

Taste and buy local at Saturday’s Spring BADA-BING at Hardywood

and last updated

RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) –This Saturday, wander around aisles chock full of crafts while sipping beer.

The Spring Bada-Bing is one of Richmond’s largest indie craft productions, featuring more than 50 artists and crafters from the region and beyond.

The event is Saturday, April 5th, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Hardywood Park on 2408 Ownby Lane.

Based on Hardywood’s website, here are the beers that will be available in their tasting room : Hardywood Bourbon Barleywine, Hardywood Raspberry Chocolate Stout, Hardywood The Great Return, Hardywood Cream Ale, Hardywood Hoplar and Hardywood Singel.

Below are the food trucks that will be on location:

Pizza Tonight
King Of Pops – Richmond
Cielito Lindo
The Dog Wagon
Phoenix Garden Vegetarian Restaurant (VEGAN)
Station 2

Below are a list of vendors at the show, click the link.
April Scott Kids
Blackbird Tees
Casey Freeman Ceramics
Christina Boy Design
everyday balloons
exit343 design
Happy Doh Lucky
Helmand Craft
Holland Cox
Itty Bitty Press
KShonk Designs
Little Bandit Shop
Lucky Accessories
Maja Bality Ceramics
Maple & Belmont
Metamorphosis Metals
Mint House
modern june
Montrose Stitchery
Nicole Lee Designs
PARK Woodshop
Pegged By Grace
Penny & Paul
Phil Barbato
Phoenix Handcraft
Prayer Monkey
Priya Means Love
Rare Bird
RawJawBone Graphics
richmond thread lab
Rocks and Salt
Row House 14
RVA Coffee Stain
S. Tector Metals
Silver Tree Art
Tasha McKelvey
Terrariums By Rich
The Daily Scrub
The Freckled Farm Soap Company
The ZEN Succulent
Tributary Handmade
Twist Style
Zass Design