HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) - A Manakin-Sabot man was cited after TSA officers found a loaded gun in his carry-on bag at Richmond International Airport.
"The officer who was staffing the checkpoint X-ray machine spotted a loaded .380 caliber Ruger hand gun in the man’s carry-on baggage, loaded with six rounds and one chambered," Transportation Security Administration spokesman Jim McKinney said. "TSA contacted the Capitol Region Airport Commission who responded, confiscated the gun and ammunition, and cited the man."
The passenger, who had a valid Virginia concealed-carry permit, was allowed to continue on his flight to Atlanta - without the gun.
An airport spokesman said firearms can be returned to passengers following a court order.
"Weapons are not permitted to be brought on board airplanes," McKinney said. "Passengers who bring prohibited items to the checkpoint are subject to possible criminal charges from law enforcement and civil penalties from TSA."
This is the second gun discovered at a security checkpoint at RIC this year. Four guns were found at RIC checkpoints last year, an airport spokesman said.