

4 out of 5 Virginians support medical marijuana, half same-sex marriage

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RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – There’s overwhelming support for medical marijuana and growing support for same-sex marriage in Virginia. This is all according to the latest poll from Quinnipiac University.

Support for medical marijuana has grown to 84 percent. Voters on both sides of aisle agree, three-quarters of Republicans are okay with marijuana being used as a treatment and 92 percent of Democrats approve.

Virginians are not so unified when it comes to marijuana for recreational use. Almost half of voters said marijuana is equally as dangerous as alcohol, 14 percent said it is more dangerous.

Same-sex marriage

Half of Virginia voters said they supported same-sex marriage and 42 percent are opposed.

This issue is much more divided than medical marijuana– 69 percent of Democrats approved of same-sex marriage, 70 percent of Republicans disapprove.

You may remember on Valentine’s Day of this year a federal judge declared Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional. However, this issue has yet to be settled in court.

If you would like to read more of the poll for yourself, you can find it here.