

WATCH: Elderly woman waves at students every day, gets a big surprise

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ONTARIO — Tinney Davidson, 84, and her husband moved into their Comox, British Columbia home back in 2007. Every day, Tinney and her husband would wave at kids as they walked past their house to and from school.

Tinney’s husband passed away a few years ago, but that doesn’t stop Tinney from carrying on their tradition, she told CHEK NEWS.

“I love it,” she says. “And they seem to like it also. So it’s been a fun few years.”

Students at the local school were so touched by her waving to them each day they held an assembly in her honor.

“It makes everyone’s day a little bit brighter,” one student said.

The students also presented her with a Valentine’s Day gift and a special video presentation.

At the assembly, Tinney turned around and waved at all the students. And of course, they waved back.

“I’m overwhelmed by all of this. It’s wonderful,” Tinney said.