VARINA, Va. (WTVR) – Varina High School students and staff plan to celebrate “Michael Robinson Spirit Day” this coming Friday.
Robinson, who played quarterback in high school and graduated from Varina in 2001, plays fullback for the Seattle Seahawks. Robinson and fellow Richmonder Russell Wilson, will play in the Super Bowl on Sunday.
As part of “Michael Robinson Spirit Day,” student and staff are encouraged to wear Seahawks gear, or the team’s green, navy and silver colors to school.
“Bobby Ukrop, president and CEO of Ukrop’s Homestyle Foods, donated cookies in Seahawks colors for the celebration. There are also two large good-luck banners for students to sign,” the county said in a statement to the media.
Robinson has held a free football camp at Varina since 2010, and this week is launching a pilot program there called “TEAM EXCEL.” This program is aimed at ninth-graders and stresses academics, attendance and community service.