

GOLDMAN: Inside the mayor’s pro-gay, anti-white politics

and last updated

RICHMOND, Va. – Mayor Jones is a passionate advocate chastising those discriminating against gays and lesbians.

Good for him. Discrimination is wrong, plain and simple.

Yet when confronted with his hurtful anti-white “racist” and “race-baiting” remarks first reported in the Richmond Free Press and then in the Richmond Times Dispatch [claiming white opposition to his Shockoe Stadium proposal stemmed from skin color], the Mayor’s office refused to take them back.

Bad for him. Discrimination is wrong, plain and simple.

What gives?

Mayor Jones pro-Shockoe Stadium allies in the business and political community are passionate advocates chastising those discriminating against gays and lesbians.

Good for them. Discrimination is wrong, doubly plain and simple.

Yet when confronted with the Mayor’s anti-white remarks, they said nothing.

Bad for them, Discrimination is wrong, doubly plain and simple.

What gives a second time?

Pro-gay, anti-white politics adds up to weird politics.

It makes no sense except in terms of dollars and cents.

A Baptist Minister’s Conference audience heard Mr. Jones’ remarks weeks ago. They were later reported in the press. They have been a leading voice against discrimination. Why not now?

A federal court in Norfolk will later this week hear a challenge to the state’s ban on same-sex marriages and civil unions. The Mayor thinks the ban is unconstitutional. I would be shocked if the judge disagreed.

But yet the Mayor seems shocked that I can be white and against his Shockoe Stadium, believing it shows I must be anti-black.

In 2005, then Mayor Doug Wilder asked me to review the first Shockoe Stadium proposal. I proved it to be pure “political spin,” a plan to fleece taxpayers and instead bestow huge government-created financial benefits to those with political connections.

Doug Wilder never for a second thought my white skin colored my ability to follow the green. He knew he got my best policy analysis. It could be wrong. But racially motivated? Give me at least some respect.

Dr. King had it right.

A person is endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable rights, one of them being free from politicians putting color green on a pedestal above all others.

To repeat: Pro-gay, anti-white politics is weird, and not just in Richmond.

Marriage remained a religious ceremony for thousands of years.

There were no government laws requiring a government-issued marriage license when Virginia became a colony.

I think my Jewish religion can handle the matter without government interference. I am certain those with a different faith fully agree. Why make a couple pay a special government fee to get married?

The point being, why is Mayor Jones, head of the government, using his position to attack white citizens?

But you say, he technically only played the race card against white city council members. My answer, I have been running successful political campaigns too long to be that naïve.

Past discrimination by white mayors against black citizens doesn’t justify current or future discrimination by black mayors against white citizens. When did two wrongs start making a right?

I wrote the Elected Mayor law and led the campaign to get it on the ballot for one simple reason, I hoped we could get past all this white/black stuff at least in mayoral elections.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Marsh opposed me, saying my plan gave white candidates for mayor an advantage. Really guys? We have had three mayors. Need I say more?

The mayor’s anti-white comments, along with deafening silence from his supporters proves one thing above all else, it is about green, not black or white.

This will be clear soon enough if it isn’t already.

Paul Goldman is in no way affiliated with WTVR. His comments are his own, and do not reflect the views of WTVR or any related entity. Neither WTVR nor any of its employees or agents participated in any way with the preparation of Mr. Goldman’s comments.