Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) said that with the assistance of contractor crews most interstate and primary routes have been cleared.
However, VDOT noted that frigid overnight temperatures combined with wet roadways could lead to slick driving conditions around central Virginia, particularly on secondary roads.
Many secondary routes have received salt and sand treatment or are passable, VDOT said. CBS 6 viewers are split down the middle on the condition of the secondary roads and have been snapping pictures of their neighborhood. Many show significant snow and ice still on the roads.
CBS 6 viewer Quenton James, who lives in Chesterfield, said that passage from Chesterfield, through Richmond, to his Henrico job can be harrowing.
"You got to be careful because you don't know which way the vehicle or the ice is going to take you," James said.
We took the same commute that James takes. As we headed East on Huguenot road you can see the street is clear. But that's not the case when you cross over into the city of Richmond.
VDOT maintains the interstates, Chesterfield County roads and some of the primary roads that run through Richmond and the other surrounding counties.
"We just folks to know that we're out there trying to clear the roads as soon as possible," Lindsay LeGrand, with VDOT saud. "Our goal is to have roads passable within 48 hours after the storm ends."
Both Henrico and Richmond are responsible for their secondary and residential streets.
Richmond's Department of Public Works said that crews clear the snow from major roadways like Broad street, Midlothian Turnpike and Hull Street road first.
Then, they tackle streets like Lombardy, Maury and Tredegar. Next all residential and neighborhood streets are cleared--after that which could take up to two days.
VDOT said they will continue to apply sand for traction and salt to melt ice on wet pavement.
Drivers should continue to use extreme caution on secondary roads, bridges and overpasses. Crews will continue to work in 12 hour shifts until all state-maintained roads are passable.
For the current road conditions and real-time traffic, call 511 or visit For more information about VDOT snow efforts and to find winter driving tips and other information, visit