

GOLDMAN: Reject Mr. Marcus, Democrats can’t reward race-baiting


RICHMOND, Va. – Race-baiters and those who play the race card have no business being appointed to a judicial position especially by Democrats.

Governor McAuliffe has nominated Boyd Marcus, who played the race card against the Wilder for Governor Campaign, to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board.

His public record is clear.

Read Margaret Edd’s book “Claiming The Dream,” one of several on Wilder’s success in removing the “No Blacks Need Apply” sign from the door to high office in Virginia.

ABC Commissioners wield judicial power to decide individual cases (called quasi-judicial authority in administrative law).

With all due respect, Mr. Marcus, a political consultant known for his “win at any cost ethics” has no place in a judicial position. He lacks legal training. He fails to demonstrate proper judicial temperament. Should the Governor so choose, there are many Administration jobs suitable for Boyd. But the ABC post isn’t one.

Let’s cut to the bottom line.

Mayor Jones’ racing baiting of white city council members here in 2014 is as wrong today as Marcus’ race baiting back in 1989.

The fact Jones aimed at whites and Marcus at an African-American Lt. Governor has no bearing.

My columns in this space have made this point. When confronted with the Richmond Times Dispatch calling his comments “race-baiting” and “racist,” the Mayor stonewalls, amazingly content to leave this impression with citizens, white, black and brown.

Having helped expose Mr. Jones’ race-baiting and race-card playing, should I now be a hypocrite and remain silent on Mr. Marcus? I write a column for the Washington Post and WTVR to speak the truth to power.

Years ago, President John F. Kennedy famously refused to appoint a Democrat to the federal bench who had played the race card against African-Americans in the South. This individual had full support from Senate Democratic Party leaders. But JFK said sometimes party loyalty asks too much.

Some of us put our heart and soul into trying to end race politics in Virginia. There is a reason I was the only white person willing to get into the car with Wilder and run his campaign. There is a reason I was willing to take the abuse from others and run the 1989 Governor’s race out of the limelight, leaving others to claim this or that title.

I believe in redemption, so I have nothing against Boyd in that regard 25 years later.

To paraphrase a famous Governor, Mr. Marcus is eloquent and talented at advocating his point of view. I get it.

But Boyd isn’t judicial material.

They say a foolish consistency highlights the small mind. Then plead me guilty for having a pea brain. But race-baiting and race-card playing is wrong then, it is wrong now, it will be wrong tomorrow. I don’t care whether it is Mayor Jones’ anti-white politics, or Mr. Marcus’ anti-black strategies. Both are destructive, and rob those who wield it of any moral authority. JFK had it right when it comes to condoning anti-black or anti-white politics at the judicial level, party loyalty asks too much.

Mr. Marcus isn’t qualified for the ABC Board. I defy any Democrat in Virginia to prove otherwise.

Paul Goldman is in no way affiliated with WTVR. His comments are his own, and do not reflect the views of WTVR or any related entity. Neither WTVR nor any of its employees or agents participated in any way with the preparation of Mr. Goldman’s comments.