RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) - Most violent crime is down in Richmond, according to newly released crime stats, but there is one crime that has experienced a spike.
In 2013 there were seven less homicides (37 in 2013 vs. 44 in 2012) in Richmond as compared to 2012, according to Richmond Police Chief Ray Tarasovic. Rape and aggravated assaults cases were also down year to year.
However Richmond did experience a spike in the crime category of "individual robberies."
There were 11 more cases individual robberies in 2013 compared to 2012 (479 in 2013 vs. 468 in 2012).
The chief said communities continuing to partner with police is the only way to reduce crime.
"Most crimes don't get cleared by fingerprints, don't get cleared by video, don't get cleared by some CSI magic," Chief Ray Tarasovic said. "Most crimes get cleared and arrests get made because someone saw it occur and that person has engaged us."