RICHMOND, Va (WTVR) - “November 22nd, 1963. It was the day the country stood still. Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Greg recently spoke to CBS anchor Bob Schieffer. Mr. Schieffer was working in Dallas the day the president was shot and he shared his experiences. On November 21st right here onCBS6 news at 11 o`clock, hear the story of the Virginia man who was responsible for choosing the president's motorcade route and security in Dallas. On Sunday November 24th at 11:30pm CBS6 presents "JFK at 50: Witnesses to History" where we meet the people of Dallas, Texas who were there that fateful day in 1963.
CBS Anchor Bob Schieffer On The Eve of the 50th Anniversary of JFK’s Tragic Death

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