Perhaps you’ve taken notice that your Facebook friends have started changing their profile photos to a giraffe?
It turns out they haven’t been hacked. Instead they failed to solve a riddle that’s spreading like wildfire across Facebook. The honor code is that if you get the riddle wrong, you have to change your profile photo.
“It’s 3 a.m., the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors! It’s your parents and they are here for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
SPOILER ALERT: The answer is at the bottom of this article.
To keep the viral game going, the one rule is that you must message your response to the poster, so as not to give the answer away in the comments. And if your answer is incorrect you must repost the riddle with the above instructions–after you change your profile photo to a giraffe.
It doesn’t seem to really be that hard of a riddle. It’s a classic logic game. But based on the exploding giraffe population this week, it isn’t as easy as one might think. Based on some research, it seems the answer might have gone through some recent changes.
So what do you open first if it’s 3 a.m. and you have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese?
Scott Kleinberg of the Chicago Tribune first wrote about the trend, and his response was that you open the door first. The door.
And that’s exactly what I said. However, part of the reason we could be seeing so many giraffes is that someone decided the acceptable answer is “your eyes” and that is now being passed around.
Some people are trying to say you have to open your eyes first before you try to answer the door. Yet the way the riddle is written, it presupposes that you are awake.
The fighting and media-over-explaining it will likely soon render the giraffe post extinct. And create plenty of other retorts, like the the most popular comment on the Chicago Tribune Facebook page right now.
Which was: “Truth be told though, if you were smart and looked to see who it was first, upon realizing it was your parents you’d probably open the wine first then then door.”
Did you have to change your photo? If so, this is what you are supposed to write on your wall:
I had to change my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle and got it wrong. Try the great giraffe challenge! The deal is I give you a riddle. You get it right you get to keep your profile pic. You get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a Giraffe for the next 3 days. MESSAGE ME ONLY SO YOU DONT GIVE OUT THE ANSWER.
Here is the riddle: 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, It’s your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open? Remember… message me only. If you get it right I’ll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile pic.