

Reports: Macy’s to open Thanksgiving Day


(CBS/CNN)– The word is out: Macy’s flagship store and most of its 800 around the country will open Thanksgiving Day at 8 p.m.

Opening its doors on the holiday breaks a 155-year tradition of being closed that day. But Macy’s says it’s a “response to interest from customers who prefer to start their shopping early.”

One Macy’s employee said he couldn’t be happier about the decision. He said everyone can still enjoy a good turkey dinner with their family, and head to the stores afterwards.

In many states, the shops Banana Republic, Sears, Kmart, Walmart and the GAP already open on Thanksgiving. Locally the trend started in 2012 when Wal-Mart and other retailers announced they would open their stores at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

“I think we’re going to see the trend continue. The only way the trend will reverse is if somebody says, ‘You know what? We kind of lost money on Thanskgiving. It wasn’t worth being open,’” says Paul Swinand, a retail analyst for Morningstar.

Once Macy’s opens its doors at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day the store will remain open for the next 26 hours — the following Friday at 10 p.m.