

Richmond school leaders present plan to improve SOL scores


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) - Last month the Virginia Department of Education released the latest results from Virginia's Standards of Learning Tests.

In those results, it showed that Richmond Public Schools fell more than 30 percent compared to Chesterfield's 15 percent decline and Henrico's 16 percent dip.

"Needless to say we were disappointed with those results," said RPS interim superintendent, Dr. Jonathan Lewis.

On Tuesday, Victoria Oakley, Richmond Public School's Chief Academic Officer, presented a drafted plan to help improve these results. Some of the improvements include coaching and additional development for teachers working with English as a Second Language students.

Dr. Lewis, who gave his input on the plan, said Richmond City Schools has a hard time finding qualified teachers.

"We have to have a real hard conversation about what do we need to do to get the very best and brightest teachers we can find," said Dr. Lewis.

And while many board members believe school leaders are headed in the right direction, Jeff Bourne, school board chairman said they need to see more details.

"We want more meat on the bone. We want to know what the bold and innovative plans are," said Bourne.