

Hundreds take part in tomato fight at Va. bull run

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DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) –Hundreds of people took part in a giant tomato fight at the first Great Bull Run in Dinwiddie County Saturday afternoon.

Goggles were mandatory are organizers urged fighters not to aim directly for other participants’ faces — or throw the fruits too hard.

Once the folks were herded into a special fenced off area, the music started to play, and the tomatoes started flying.

For a good five or ten minutes, a steady stream of red blobs were spotted above the frenzied crowd. Once things began to calm down, all that was left of the hundreds of pounds of tomatoes was red stained pavement and what looked like a giant puddle of tomato juice.

Some folks came covered head to toe in plastic as a precaution. Others ended up in basically their skivvies.

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