

City employee robbed in bathroom at Union Hill park


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)--A Richmond worker was robbed at Jefferson Park in Richmond's Union Hill, in the restroom.

"We don't usually have any problems here,” said resident Dwaynette Davis, adding that “we take the kids out here…and hang until almost dark.”

But now, Dwaynette Davis and her friend may think twice about doing that, after hearing what happened inside the men's restroom Tuesday morning.

"Are we safe?  What they going to do about it?" asked Davis.

According to police, two men robbed a city worker at gunpoint.

"It's not something we typically see. It's a very isolated incident," said Lieutenant Daniel Minton, 1st Precinct Sector, Richmond police.

Lt. Daniel Minton said the worker was checking the plumbing system when all of the sudden two men confronted him and told the worker to get on the ground.

"They confronted him with a gun and robbed of his belongings and then fled the scene from there," said Lt. Minton.

Lt. Minton only release few details about the case until they get more information.

It's the second robbery at a city park in a week,with the three suspects from the Monroe park robbery and beating still at large.

CBS 6 wanted to know what you should do to protect yourself at city parks.

Lt. Minton urged residents to be aware of your surroundings.

“If you go into a surrounding area, regardless if it's a bathroom or a section of a park you haven't been in before, if something just doesn't look right or feel right to you--get out of there,” he said.

“Call the police we can come check it out as a suspicious situation,” said Lt. Minton.

Sound advice that these park goers said they plan to follow. "You never know who's going to be out here.  So, all you can do is hope that it doesn't happen to you," said Jamoul Tune.

Richmond police said officers will be patrolling the park like others in the city.

If you have any information about the robbery in Jefferson Park, police ask that you call Crimestoppers at 780-1000.