

NASA prepares for tropical research mission based at Virginia’s Wallops Island


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) - Meteorologist Carrie Rose spoke with a NASA scientist about Virginia's role this tropical season in groundbreaking research while she was in Nashville, TN last week for the 41st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/Second Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication. (CLICK HERE to see the official Twitter feed she managed from the conference.)

NASA Goddard scientist Joe Witte (George Mason University) gave a presentation at the conference about the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel, or HS3 airborne mission, that will take off from Virginia's Eastern Shore next month.

Witte says the target date for the mission is August 20 through September 23, when two Global Hawk re-purposed drone aircraft will fly high above tropical systems to investigate them.

Robert Gutro of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center writes, "The NASA Global Hawks are unmanned aircraft that will be piloted remotely from the HS3 mission base at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va. Global Hawk aircraft are well-suited for hurricane investigations because they can fly for as long as 28 hours and over-fly hurricanes at altitudes greater than 60,000 feet."

Related Links:

CLICK HERE for more on this year's mission.
CLICK HERE for Meteorologist Carrie Rose’s coverage of last year’s pioneer mission.

HS3 Mission

NASA Hurricane Research

NASA Wallops Flight Facility

NASA’s Airborne Science Program

NASA’s Global Hawks