

4,500-acre trophy property up for auction

and last updated

Brandon Plantation dates to before the Revolutionary War. (Photos by Al Wekelo)

(by Michael Schwartz/Richmond Biz Sense)The upcoming auction of a massive James River plantation isn’t for the faint of heart – or for the light of wallet.

The Brandon Plantation, a 4,500-acre property in Prince George County that dates to before the Revolutionary War, will be sold Wednesday to the highest bidder.

Brandon Plantation dates to before the Revolutionary War. (Photos by Al Wekelo)

Even a seat at the table isn’t cheap and takes $250,000 to get in on the bidding.

Auction organizers would not say in what price range bids are expected to fall. The county most recently assessed the property at about $10.3 million.

Sitting about 40 miles southeast of Richmond, the house bears the scars of Revolutionary War and Civil War firepower. Its current owners are descendants of a Titanic survivor and former U.S. senator. Its original owners were of the Harrison family, which produced two U.S. presidents.

This will be only the third time this home has changed hands since Jamestown, VA was founded in 1607.

Click over to Richmond Biz Sense to read the full article.