

FOLLOW UP: More recommendations made for DSS

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RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – New information about an investigation into Richmond’s Department of Social Services, accused of leaving some children in dangerous, abusive homes when they should have been removed.

Last month, the city auditor released a report saying children had been put in danger.

Now, the results of an even larger investigation have been made public.

A state review found Richmond’s DSS needs to take a closer look at how the decision is made to request an emergency removal or a preliminary protective order.The report also says the department needs to do a better job of identifying children who are in potentially dangerous situations.

The agency  looked at Child Protective Services, Foster Care and Adoptions and Resource Family Services; and offered 25 findings and recommendations, including:

  •  create and implement a comprehensive records management system,
  • re-assess policy for determining the needs to file Emergency Removal Orders and Preliminary Protective Orders to adequately provide for the safety of children,
  • re-evaluate internal policies and follow the Structured Decision-making and CPS policy guidelines for ongoing CPS services for “high risk” or “very high risk” cases,
  • do a better job in making complete, comprehensive assessments to identify risk for children,
  • develop a plan to reduce the high number of overdue CPS referrals,
  • provide necessary training for CPS workers,
  • ensure that supervisors are consistent in implementing agency goals, practices and policies.

You may recall the city’s own investigation led to the retirement of the director of social services, and the resignation of one of her deputies.

Click here for the complete findings: Richmond DSS – Quality Management Report.

To view CBS 6 articles on the DSS investigation, click here: