

Police utilize trashcans to slow down speeders

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COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. (WTVR)— Colonial Heights Police plan to utilize trash cans to slow down speeders.

Some residential streets in Colonial Heights are only 25 miles per hour, but some drivers don't heed the speed limit; a dangerous situation according to  some who live in the area.

"I live right there where you come off the Boulevard onto your choice of either Carroll or Marvin, and they zip right on by me about 35-40 miles an hour, all day long,” said resident Bernard Fournier.

To curb the problem, Colonial Heights Police have teamed up with the program "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" and Container First Services, to use their trash cans to try to slow down drivers.

The premise is simple; large decals are used to catch the eye of drivers so they slow down. It's a program that has worked in other state. The non-profit group was founded in 1998.

"Prior to putting the decals on their trash cans, the average speeds were a little over 29 miles per hour on the 25 mile per hour streets,” said Tom Everson, with the program Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25. “Afterwards, the speeds came down to an average of 24 and a half miles per hour."

Colonial Heights Police said they have four streets they will target with the 2500 decals that have been provided by Geico.

The decals will be up within the next couple of weeks.