

Legal concerns for RPD or Chris Brown over community service reports?

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RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)— Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey wants the Superior Court of the State of California for Los Angeles to find singer Chris Brown in violation of his probation.

The D.A.’s office also accused the Richmond Police department of being sloppy in its supervision and record-keeping of the probation.

CBS 6 Legal Analyst Todd Stone says the details in the court documents raises some serious questions into who actually handled the supervision for Chris Brown during his community service.

“His original order was to complete the community service,” says Stone. “If they could prove that he did something fraudulent in writing down hours that were not in fact hours then really, yeah, this could be something that they could order him to jail,” said  Stone.

According to Stone, a lot of the documentation that the Richmond Police department provided to the L.A. prosecutors doesn’t add up because Stone says it shows that Brown was not even in the country on some of the days that he was supposed to complete his community service.

But Stone believes that prosecutors are being fairly reasonable in this case by allowing the entertainer to do community service and not order him to serve time.

CBS 6 also asked Stone if the Richmond Police Department could face repercussions in this case.

“If they’re just negligent mistakes, well, then I think it looks bad,” said Stone.

In a court motion, L.A. Deputy District Attorney Mary Murray said Brown’s community service should not be accepted because of what appears to be “significant discrepancies indicating at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting.”

“If it’s the police department that made the mistakes, well, it looks bad for the police department,” said Stone.  “If they’re purposeful fraudulent statements then that’s something that technically is contempt of court.”.

CBS 6 also asked Todd Stone could Police Chief Brian Norwood face any criminal charges.

He said that’s highly unlikely because prosecutors would have to show evidence that one specific person did something to violate the law.  Stone said that with so many people involved that would be tough to prove.