

Religious leaders mixed about birth control proposal

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RICHMOND, VA (WTVR)- Virginia Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli has been one of the most vocal critics of the Affordable Healthcare Act, particularly a rule that would require the Roman Catholic Church to cover the cost of contraception. He even went on an Iowa radio station earlier this month, saying the only way to attack this mandate was civil disobedience.  

President Obama didn't just have to deal with Cuccinelli and the church, but also republicans on Capitol Hill, like House Speaker, John Boehner who directed, “Back up and take another look at this.”

That's exactly what the Obama administration did, no longer proposing non-profit religious organizations pay to provide its employees with birth control coverage. Instead, the cost will fall on the health insurance provider.  The Catholic Association still isn't happy, calling it a gimmick and saying, “This is an unprecedented attack on the part of the Obama administration on religious believers and employers all across the country.”

Richmond's Catholic Diocese is much more accepting, releasing a statement which reads in part, “Religious freedom is a part of our American heritage and forcing someone to do something that is against their religious beliefs is troubling. It appears the Obama administration has recognized that. This is good news."

White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney says, the president wants balance. “We had to ensure that women have access to preventive services like contraception and that the policy also respects religious beliefs,” says Carney.

President Obama is taking public comment on the proposal until April 8th.