KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CNN) — One high school in Missouri is forcing students to get a hair cut — and it’s not about a strict dress code.
In fact, administrators want to use the clippings to drug test students.
The principal at Rockhurst High School in Kansas City says the tests will be able to tell if a student has used any type of illegal drug, even alcohol, within the past 90 days. It will also be able to tell how much of that drug students took.
The results will be put into a student’s guidance file. And anyone who tests positive will have to meet with a counselor.
Students say the new policy, which takes effect in 2015, violates their privacy.
However, school administrators say the reason for the testing is for the health and wellness of the students. They also say the testing is necessary in a world where children have access to more people on social media sites like Facebook.