Bobcat: Photo Courtesy of Bangor Police Department
BANGOR, Maine. (WTVR)–A woman in Maine got quite a surprise when she picked up what she thought was a house cat–that turned out to be a bobcat.
She says she realized that the four-foot long, 30-pound “kitty” was actually a bobcat when it woke up while she was driving. She had placed the animal in her vehicle after her car struck it and she thought it was an injured housecat.
The Bangor Police Department says she realized it wasn’t a bobcat and got out of the car. The animal then followed her when she jumped out of her vehicle.
After the Maine Game Warden caught the bobcat they say they had to euthanize it because it was dying and in pain.
Bangor Maine Police Departmentposted the actual complaint on their Facebook page.
It reads as follows, with the complainants name redacted:
While on routine patrol I observed
with her vehicle. She said that the cat was seriously injured or deceased and
she put the cat inside of her van.