

Va. among states involved in major Trader Joe’s chicken and rice recall

and last updated

VIRGINIA (WTVR)—Another recall at the popular grocery store chain Trader Joe’s and it includes Virginia stores.

Nearly 5,000 pounds of Trader Joe’s Butter Chicken with Basmati Rice has been recalled. The Canadian company Aliya’s Foods Limited, issued the recall of 4,865 pounds of the frozen food after the potential contamination was detected on the production line during routine testing.

According to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, 19 cartons of the 12.5-ounce boxes were placed on hold at the distribution center, but 240 cartons were already shipped from Canada to more than 100 Trader Joe’s stores in the states.

In addition to Virginia, the 14 states include Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.

The containers in question feature the product code 2012-10-31 and the lot code 30512.

The bacteria can cause serious infection, primarily among older adults, persons with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women and their newborns.

Signs of listeriosis are fever, headache, neck stiffness, and muscle aches, often preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms, according to the USDA.

Listeriosis can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as serious and sometimes fatal infections in older adults and persons with weakened immune systems. 

The bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Persons in the higher-risk categories who experience flu-like symptoms within two months after eating contaminated food should seek a health care provider, warns the USDA.

Trader Joe’s posted a warning online for customer not to eat the product and either dispose of it or return it to stores for a full refund.

Earlier this fall, the grocery chain was caught up in the Sunland peanut salmonella recall.  The Sunland plant in Portales, New Mexico was shut down by the FDA after a 19-state outbreak. 

Consumers with questions about this product should contact Trader Joe’s at (626) 599-3817. Media inquiries should be directed to Alison Mochizuki with Trader Joe’s at at (626) 599-3779.