(CBS) – If teenagers don’t see tobacco products, they’re less likely to buy them.
That’s the conclusion from a study published in the Journal Pediatrics that included over 1,200 teenagers. A video game was created and teenager could shop at virtual convenience store.
Researchers asked the participants to select four items in the store. When tobacco products were out in the open, more than 24 percent made tobacco purchases.
When tobacco products were hidden, 9 to 11 percent asked to purchased tobacco, compared with the 16 to 24 percent of teens who asked to purchase tobacco when it was out in the open.
The study authors say the results support policies that ban displaying tobacco products.
Source: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/11/27/peds.2012-0197.full.pdf+html
Read more at Reuters by clicking here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/03/us-teens-tobacco-idUSBRE8B20IP20121203