The logo popularized by free stickers, left, has spread to coffee, apparel and more. (Photos by Lena Price)
***This article first appeared on Richmond Biz Sense, by Lena Price
The ubiquitous RVA logo is getting even more popular.
Hudson News, a national chain of airport gift shops with seven locations in the Richmond International Airport, recently began stamping the RVA logo on clothing, magnets and a diverse array of drinking glasses.
“I don’t think we realized how fast these items would fly off the tables,” said Jamil Siddiqi, general manager of the Hudson stores at the Richmond airport. “And it’s just gotten bigger every week. I’ll put out an order of RVA T-shirts, and a couple of days later I’m placing another order.”
The gift shop has gone through at least 300 T-shirts and just ordered a shipment of sweatshirts to keep up with demand.
“College students have really taken to it, a lot of people buy it to take to family outside of Richmond,” Siddiqi said. “It’s right up there with our Virginia is for Lovers merchandise.”
To read more about how a campaign that started in attempt to brand Richmond as a creative capital has become lucrative business opportunity for many local shops, just click over to Richmond BizSense.