

White supremacy rally “clowned” by counter-protesters


CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WCNC/CNN)—Police said that no arrest were made at the loud and very colorful Ku Klux Klan rally and counter-protest in Charlotte, North Carolina over the weekend.  

Saturday's National Socialist Movement and KKK rally were outnumbered by the counterprotesters, five-to-one.

They brought their squeaky toys, whistles, red noses and noisemakers, and a plan. Instead of meeting hate with hate, they were going to meet hate with love.

The colorful clowns had a message.

“The message from us is... you look silly,” Lacey Williams, with the Latin American Coalition, said. “We're dressed like clowns and you're the ones that look funny.”

They answered chants of white power with chants of their own.

“Dwight power!”
“White flour!”

“I think it’s really important to have a sense of humor, what they want is for us to fight them,” Tom Strini, Counter-protester, said. “ They want us to hit them with hate…we can't become them.”

Ralliers were there to talk about immigration.

“It  just shows that more people in this country are in favor of equal and human rights than there are people who want to kick all dark-skinned people out of the country,” said a counter-protestor.