HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) - Sunday afternoon firefighters responded to a call after 1 p.m. of a fire at Tuckahoe Elementary School.
Capt. Jim Mellon told CBS 6 that the call originally came in as a burglary alarm but then changed to a working fire.
Nothing was visible when firefighters first arrived, said Marshall Nelson, Captain of Henrico Fire. Nelson said the crew, after a full walk around of the building, located smoke on the lower level, near the bus ramp. Seventy-five percent of the school had significant smoke damage.
A forced entry was made and fire was found in one of the classrooms.
The school is located in the 700 block of Forest Avenue and was completely unoccupied at the time.
Cean Gilliland with Henrico County Public Schools tell us that school will be closed for students on Monday, while staff are still being asked to report at 11 a.m.