

USS Cole families mark 12 years while terrorist trial drags on

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NORFOLK, Va. (WTVR) - Friday marks the 12 year anniversary of the bombing of the USS Cole in the Yemen port of Aden.

Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda operatives rammed a boat full of explosives into the hull of the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors, including Mechanicsville native Kenneth Clodfelter.

It remains the deadliest attack against a United States Naval vessel since 1987.

The Families of those who lost their lives will spend the day remembering their loved ones.

There are plans for a wreath laying ceremony in Arlington, followed by a service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington.

Still, it’s hard to move forward, while dealing with the long and drawn out trials of the terrorists accused of masterminding the Cole attack.

Mona and Lou Gunn are the parents of Cherone Gunn, one of the victims of the USS Cole attack who grew up in Hampton Roads.

Lou will be traveling to Guantanamo Bay on behalf of the Cole families in two weeks, for yet another hearing on the case against Abd-al Rahim al-Nashiri.

Prosecutors are now trying to force him to show up at his own trial.

As it stands, al-Nashiri has the right to refuse to be present, and stay in his jail cell.

The Gunns, as well as the families of other victims, will try to push the thoughts of a prolonged trial out of their minds as they spend the day honoring their memory.

You can read their full story at our affiliate station's website,