Nearly 20 years after the gruesome murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, Kato Kaelin says he knows who did it: O.J. Simpson.
That’s what Cindy Adams of the New York Post is reporting after an interview with the memorabletrial witness[BONUS: Scroll to bottom to see a 1995 interview with Kato in Richmond].
According to Adams, Kaelin said he was too “terrified” to share his feelings until now.
“The statute of limitations has now passed … so I can now say … yes, he did it,” Kaelin told Adams.
Simpson was found not guilty of the murders back in 1996. He was later found liable for the deaths in civil suit filed by the victims’ families.
The former football hero is currently locked up in a Las Vegas prison for armed robbery.
*Read more about Kaelin’s startling admission, HERE.