BROOMFIELD, Colo. — The breastfeeding mom who posed for a controversial “Time” magazine cover in the spring has decided to pose with her son for yet another publication.
Broomfield’s Jamie Grumet said she was used as a pawn in the “media-invented mommy wars” in the story and cover photo that appeared in “Time” on May 21. Furthermore, she said she didn’t agree with the choice of cover photo or the article’s content.
Nearly four months later, Grumet appeared on the cover of “Pathways to Family Wellness” on Sept. 10, once again breastfeeding her now 4-year-old son. This time, her husband and their adopted Ethiopian son are also by her side.
In the magazine, which promotes holistic parenting, Grumet talks about why she posed for the “Time” cover, her disappointment in the old article and how her family continues to promote “attachment parenting.”
Grumet said the new cover portrays toddler breast-feeading more realistically, and that the new article explains the practice more accurately. She said the reason she posed once again was “to help relieve the stigma attached to breast-feeding past infancy.”
She also expressed her hope to use all of the attention of the breastfeeding controversy to point out the issue of orphaned kids in Africa.
by Will C. Holden,