RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) - The NFL regular season kicks off tonight, but Redskins fans here in Central Virginia are already looking forward to the next preseason. The Skins will train at one of two sites in Richmond. City Stadium or the Science Museum.
The buzz in Brian True's cabinet workshop on Leigh Street in Richmond seems little louder on this day. Some burly new neighbors could be moving in right next door.
"It would be pretty neat to see," Brian says. "I'm not really a Redskins fan but I'd come out and maybe meet a few players."
The Washington Redskins are coming to Richmond for eight years of training camp beginning next year. The question remains 'Where will the team set up shop?'
After considering a dozen sites around Richmond an 18 member steering committee chose two sites.
A 17 acre state owned site remains one of two places considered for camp. The tract sitting behind the Science Museum would require little demolition. It is a virtual black canvas that sits just a short distance from the highway.
Brain True thinks the site near the Science Museum offers a lot of possibilities when it comes to developing the surrounding area.
Brian says, "You've got I-95 and I-64 right here. It is nothing but a hop and skip to the interstate."
A mile and a half away from the Science Museum site decision makers are also considering a place long associated with team play.
City Stadium sits just off of the highway and steering committee members say there will be plenty of parking for fans. The demolition of the large and rusting bleachers from the east side of the stadium remains one big obstacle sitting in the way.
Steering Committee chairman, Michael Fraizer says, "How can you incorporate a field house? What about fan needs. What about parking? One thing we knew we had to make a realistic assessment and we had to do so in a short time frame. There are many variables to consider"
Whatever site is chosen leaders vow the camp site will be an economic engine for the city. But the timeline remains tight.
Back near the Science Museum a hopeful Brian True is ready to roll out the welcome matt.
Brian says, "I think they'd make it work. It would bring some new businesses around like restaurants. Something new to the city."
Whichever site the committee chooses the city will have a tight work schedule. The design phase will take place this fall. Construction will begin after the first of the year and the Redskins are scheduled to come to town next July. The price tag to develop the training camp site will be between nine and ten million dollars.