RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)--Capitol Police have charged a suspect in the iPad thefts from the state capitol. Capitol Police said that 30-year-old Tyrone Thomas has been charged with three counts of felony grand larceny.
In the middle of this year’s legislative session, while lawmakers spent their days in debate, some of their state issued iPads were disappearing at night.
Investigators said Thomas, employed by a cleaning company at the state capitol, took four iPads from offices several months ago. The iPads were purchased with taxpayer money.
Police said that three of the iPads were recovered when Thomas was arrested last week.
Capitol police aren't ruling out that a second suspect may also be involved.
The iPads are a fairly new addition at the Capitol. They were introduced the session before last.
The Virginia House of Delegates is still testing out a pilot program with the devices, but all 40 Virginia Senators have been issued one.
Reports state the devices were left to be recharged overnight and that office doors were closed and locked.