DALLAS, Texas (WFAA) - Two gay men were arrested last week after they were denied a marriage license in Texas.
Beau Chandler and his partner, Mark "Major" Jiminez, said they went to the Dallas County Clerk Records Building to apply for the license Thursday.
But when they were turned down, the couple decided to take a stand. The pair handcuffed themselves together and refused to leave.
As a result, Dallas Sheriff's deputies arrested the men when the building closed.
Now, Chandler is speaking out, He told WFAA-TV that in a country where everyone is supposed to be created equal, denying him marriage rights is wrong.
“We're Texans,” said Chandler. “And it does us no good to go to another state and get a marriage license and come back to the state we live in and not be legal.”
Although the men are not legally married, Chandler signed paperwork to change his legal surname to Jiminez.
The pair also created a Facebook group inviting supporters to protest inequality in Texas.