VANCOUVER, B.C. - A Canadian hockey coach who was caught on camera apparently tripping a member of the opposing team in the handshake line has been suspended.
In the video above, it appears to show the coach sticking his foot out to trip a player on the other team as he skates by shaking his players hands. The 13-year-old player falls to the ground, taking another player with him. One of the players suffered a broken wrist.
The teams are part of a hockey program for players ages 10 to 13.
The video was shot by a mom attending the June 23rd game in British Columbia. She quickly uploaded the video to Youtube where it's received millions of hits.
The coach, identified as Martin Tremblay, is facing assault charges over the incident, according to The Canadian Press.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police say they aren't sure what prompted the incident. Tremblay's team had just won.