

Romney typo “A Better Amercia” goes viral

and last updated

 Mitt Romney’s new campaign iPhone app rolled out with a glitch.

The lead phrase on the app was intended to say “A Better America,” but was misspelled as “A Better Amercia,” an error that was widely tweeted Tuesday night.

The gaffe went viral, with tweets and photos zinging around the web.

Credit: Instagram user Thischoi has a slideshow series of tweets and photos that were posted in response to the error.

Team Romney submitted a correction to Apple to make the update, according to a campaign official, said CNN.

The app was released on Tuesday, a big night for Romney, and the app was intended in part to help celebrate the now won Republican presidential nomination after the Texas primary.

Day One Job Done

Right now it appears that the typo has not just been corrected, but the overlay image was changed–for now at least.

Instead of the originally intended “A Better America,” it now reads “Day One, Job One. The text rests over user submitted background and offers the user a path to donate after the photo is snapped.

The app is called “With Mitt.”