CLICK TO ENLARGE: NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity catches its own late-afternoon shadow in this dramatically lit view eastward across Endeavour Crater on Mars. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State Univ.)
ENDEAVOUR CRATER, Mars (WTVR) – NASA released an image taken by its Mars Rover Opportunity. According to a NASA press release, the rover used a panoramic camera to take the picture near the planet’s Endeavour Crater. NASA said the images were taken through different filters, then combined into a mosaic view.
NASA said most of the images were taken March 9, 2012. At that time, NASA said, Opportunity was spending low-solar-energy weeks of the Martian winter at the Greeley Haven outcrop on the Cape York segment of Endeavour’s western rim.
Opportunity has been studying the western rim of Endeavour Crater since it arrived there in August 2011. NASA compared the size of the 14-mile crater to about the same area as the city of Seattle.
NASA said it added some color to this picture to “make some differences between materials easier to see, such as the dark sandy ripples and dunes on the crater’s distant floor.”