(WTVR) - A growing body of evidence links five of the most common chemicals in the world to a host of ailments, including cancer, sexual problems and behavioral issues.
Tests show many people now carry the chemicals in their bodies since they likely come in contact with them daily in their homes.
Among the dangers: Teflon cookware, if it's chipping, replace it. C-8, a chemical used in Teflon, is found in nearly everyone's bloodstream -- and is linked to cancer.
In plastic goods, check the number inside the triangle, if has the number 7, do not use it in the microwave because it contains BPA.
The Environmental Protection Agency also lists a flame retardant known as BPDE as a chemical of concern.
It's found in TVs, computers and furniture. Longterm exposure can lead to liver and kidney damage.
Fragrances in personal hygiene products contain phthalates, which are linked to reproductive problems and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).