

Gov. McDonnell and Coach Smart team up for kids


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)—Gov. Bob McDonnell and VCU Men’s Basketball coach joined teams today at Overby-Sheppard Elementary School in Richmond to deliver a few words of encouragement to a group of fifth graders there.

“I tell young people all the time, work hard, dream big, be honest, and try to be anything you want to be,” said Gov. McDonnell.

“These kids are the future of our city and our state,” said coach Smart.  “I think it’s very important to us to be out here in the community working with these kids and helping them achieve their dreams.”

Coach Smart brought along the entire VCU men’s basketball team to show first hand what hard work can bring you.

“We talked today to the kids about getting fit in mind and in body,” said Coach Smart.  “We also worked on some concepts of teamwork, leadership, communication, all the things that go into making a team great.”

John McGuire’s Seal Team Physical Training helped these concepts sink in for the students by putting them through Navy Seal type training exercises that promote fitness and working together.

Check out the day at Overby-Sheppard and Gov. McDonnell’s thoughts on speaking with Coach Smart by clicking on the video above.