RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – If you are allergic to tree pollen, then you are probably sniffling, sneezing, and experiencing all the usual suspect symptoms associated with the Spring pollen season. Today, for the first time this Spring, the tree pollen count broke into the Very High category, primarily as a result of pine and oak pollen. The count taken this morning by the Allergy Partners of Richmond showed a tree pollen count of 1689 (Very High). This is also the first day that grass pollen showed up in the sample, already at 13 in the Moderate range. In addition, Mold spores remain low at 2700.
Blustery northwest winds are kicking up and transporting more pollen today, aggravating the situation for those of you susceptible to these allergens. This is only the beginning of our growing season, which began a little earlier than usual because of a mild Winter and warm March (this may end up being one of our warmest Marches on record for Richmond International Airport), and you can expect the tree and grass pollen counts to continue to be a bother. Grass and weed pollen generally become worse in the Summer, with weed lingering into early Fall.
Meteorologist Carrie Rose
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