

Jessica Simpson strips down to show baby bump on Elle

By Breeanna Hare, CNN

(CNN) — Jessica Simpson’s shopping for pink: The singer revealed to Elle magazine in its April issue that she and fiance Eric Johnson are awaiting a little girl.

But don’t expect for their new arrival to have a name as common as Simpson’s – they’re going for something “nontraditional.”

“It’s nothing shocking and nothing you’ll have to add to the dictionary,” she says. “Still, when people hear it, they’ll know…why.”

Simpson’s due this spring – her doctor has said to expect a 10-pound newborn – and the 31-year-old tells Elle that she knew intuitively that she was pregnant.

“We were going to go have an all-day drinking binge,” she recalls. “Going to ride our bikes, hang out…do naughty things. But I started feeling this overwhelming guilt. Why would I feel guilt at the idea of going out and having cocktails with my friends?”

And of course, after confirming her instincts were right, Simpson had to part ways with a few things.

“I’m a free-spirited girl, but giving up my scotch? My Macallan 18? That was hard for me!” she says. “Though now that doesn’t even sound good, being pregnant. You crave other things.”

As for what her daughter will crave, Simpson’s betting she’ll take after her dad.

“I swear I will croak if she asks me for a pair of Nikes instead of Christian Louboutins!” she says. “Eric is so athletic. We’re going to have this athletic girl and I won’t even be able to take her shopping.”